Indigenous Americans Law

Allen & Desnoyers’ has a wealth of experience in matters involving government-to-government and business relations between Federal, State, and private interests and the State’s Indigenous Nations, including matters pertaining to treaties, taxation, contractual rights, sovereign immunity, land use, federal trust and reservation lands, Indigenous burial sites, environmental conservation, fishing and hunting rights, and gaming. From Long Island to Buffalo, New York is home to eight federally recognized Indigenous governments who enjoy unique sovereign rights over their territories. Misunderstandings or misinformation concerning the meaning and scope of these sovereign rights often leads to tension and conflict between Indigenous governments and the surrounding communities. The attorneys at Allen & Desnoyers understand the complex issues that can arise between the state, local governments, and local businesses when interacting with sovereign Indigenous governments, Indigenous businesses, and enterprises. Hiring experienced counsel who understand the legal and historic intricacies of Indigenous governments, businesses, and cultures can eliminate needless and costly disputes that are often the product of misunderstanding or misinformation about the reach and effect (and limits) of the unique legal rights and sovereignty enjoyed by the Indigenous Governments and their citizens.